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Retas Jaque Mate 31

Last update 23.08.2024 05:05:16, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Cárdenas porras

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Starting rank

1Quinonez Gonzalez, Isbraham Yair5196639MEX1855Chihuahua
2Canez Perez, Elier Agustin29638445MEX1774Chihuahua
3Burciaga Arias, EdinMEX1696Chihuahua
4Dominguez Dominguez, Jesus ManuelMEX1677Chihuahua
5Figueroa Acosta, Josue YahelMEX1652Chihuahua
6Martinez Ramos, CirlioMEX1647Chihuahua
7Cardenas Lopez, Pablo Fernando29641020MEX1630Chihuahua
8Nunez Candida, AlexisMEX1629Chihuahua
9Carrillo Flores, Aylin CristinaMEX1618Chihuahua
10Chacon Ramirez, ReneMEX1591Chihuahua
11Mendez Marquez, Leonardo David5199557MEX1527Chihuahua
12Ochoa Nunez, Abdiel AlejandroMEX0Chihuahua