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The Irish Women's Championship 2024

Darrera actualització18.08.2024 19:57:35, Creador/Darrera càrrega: IvanBaburin

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Rànquing inicial

1Mats, Diana14138611IRL2079
2WFMMirza, Diana2503999IRL1981
3Gora, Antonina1148290IRL1937
4Dorman, Orla456039IRL1721
5Batbaatar, Mandukhai25233531687
6Doolin, Nemhain2517230IRL1683
7Li, Stella2520222IRL1665
8Yu, Ai Tong2520230IRL1620
9Doolin, Bedhbh2517221IRL1594
10Chavez, Johanna Marie1518
11Putar, Lorena2521520IRL1443
12Gupta, Prisha2520508IRL375