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Place: Kings Chess Academy Mangalore

1. 3000/- Trophy 2. 2000/- 3. 1000/- 4. 800/- 5. 500/- 6th-10th Trophy & Category prizes
1.2000/- Trophy 2.1500 3. 1000 4.800 5. 500

Contact-Praveen kamat 7019190880

2nd Kings Monthly Open Blitz Chess Tournament (Limited to 50 entries)

Last update 16.08.2024 20:00:01, Creator/Last Upload: pjchess

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Starting rank

1AIMAarush, Bhat33410445IND1780
2ACMAchinthya, Bhat33438307IND1599
3Viraj, Bengre48756571IND1468
4Suraj S,IND0
5Vihaan Viraj,IND0