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Blitz starts at 2:15 PM

2nd Kings Monthly Open Rapid Chess Tournament on 18th August (Limited to 50 entries)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 09:49:04, Creator/Last Upload: pjchess

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1AGMPrashanth, J Naik45001944IND1861
2AGMLakshith, B Salian366196855IND1831
3AIMAarush, Bhat33410445IND1780
4Dhrikshu, K Vasant25040022IND1750
5Louis, Kumpala5080142IND1714
6Prakyath, G531038204IND1710
7Praveen, Kamath5067260IND1646
8ACMAchinthya, Bhat33438307IND1599
9Shourya Suvarna,IND1507
10Vihaan, Shetty33494541IND1473
11Viraj, Bengre48756571IND1468
12A Aadhvika,IND1444
13Abhay H Nayak,IND0
14Archith V Kashyap,IND0
15Harshata M,IND0
16Kiyansh, M48783080IND0
17Ravindra, Rao P33341966IND0
19Shree Nidhi,IND0
21shreya suvarna,IND0
23Vihaan Viraj,IND0
24Vikram K Rao,IND0