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1 Maksym Larchikov £140
2 Thomas Carroll £90
3= Nigel Birtwistle, Mike Surtees, Ayodeji Jeje & Jack Pilley £15 each (this includes grading prize)

Darnall and Handsworth (Sheffield) 8th FIDE Rated Rapidplay - Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony31.08.2024 22:59:43, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Shephard, Chris Cw470953ENG21412073
2Larchikov, Maksym34120815UKR21322245
3Birtwistle, Nigel406945ENG20772121
4Carroll, Thomas450111ENG20362177
5Surtees, Mike J412619ENG19982099
6Jaszkiwskyj, Peter416304ENG19191910
7Gajdosz, Marek1170783POL19061984
8Jeje, Ayodeji8503257NGR19021975
9Pilley, Jack343403840ENG18562023
10Dragan, Ionel461849ENG18151920
11Joseph, Patrick343454275ENG01940