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Friend's Club Members only

1st Himalayan Friendship Aniversery Chess Tournament-Pokhara (Blitz)

Posledná aktualizácia 17.08.2024 12:45:10, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Štartová listina

1Gurung, JenishNEP0H.B.S Red Cross
2Thapa, ChiranNEP0H.B.S MUN
3Paneru, AayushNEP0H.B.S Child Club
4Gurung, Anukul12353000NEP0H.B.S Child Club
5Poudel, AasishNEP0H.B.S Red Cross
6Magar, Aayush RanaNEP0H.B.S Supporter
7Chapagain, AbinashNEP0H..B.S Save The Culture
8Gurung, AnmolNEP0H.B.S Red Cross
9Paudel, AayushNEP0H..B.S Save The Culture
10Poudel, Aayush netaNEP0H.B.S Child Club
11Poudel, Gaurav12353191NEP0H.B.S Child Club
12Rai, AlexNEP0H.B.S Scout Troop