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Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 19:04:22, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezMorona

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1Garzon Zapatanga, Christopher Leonel3634787ECU2273
2Mancheno Barahona, Matias Gabriel3638820ECU1881
3Sozoranga Barahona, Jordy Alexander3637972ECU1843
4Peralta Macas, Santiak Emanuel3637905ECU1678
5Bravo Cabrera, Cesar Daniel3643158ECU1647
6Alarcon Vega, Icker Aldair3643131ECU1618
7Salas Ona, Noah Sebastian3640906ECU1527
8Aguirre Proano, Steven Pavel3650820ECU1515
9Jaramillo Macao, Sebastian3619168ECU1441
10Vallejo Chavez, Francisco Paul3640370ECU1425
11Gutierrez Riera, Acxel Alejandro3649946ECU1403
12Sanchez Fierro, Julian3648087ECU0
13Wachapa Antuash, Alexis Gerardo3653269ECU0