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Inter-School Invitational Chess Tournament 2024 (U19 Boys)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.08.2024 13:15:41, Creator/Last Upload: innovativechess

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1Ajitesh Kumar, AryaIND0Col. Browns Cambridge
2Aman, TyagiIND0NGA
3Anuj, SoniIND0Pinegrove
4Guransh, ChawlaIND0Doon School
5Hitansh, JindalIND0Wynberg Allen Team A
6Lakpa Dorjee, BhutiaIND0THS
7Midhvan, AgarwalIND0Welhem Boys School
8Navnit, KumarIND0The Indian Public School
9Samrathh, SiinghIND0Yadavindra Public
10Shaurya, BaloniIND0The Tonsbridge
11Shivam, TiwariIND0Doon International School
12Stainzin, LotosIND0Wynberg Allen Team B
13Utkarsh, KashyapIND0Hampton Court
14Vidit, KhaliIND0DPSG