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Jazz cafe Chess Championship

Վերջին արդիացում16.08.2024 14:30:18, Creator/Last Upload: Sarmasti Hengameh

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Motaghi, Farbod12513431IRI1973
2Shahbazi, Kasra12544167IRI1843
3AGMKiaei, Ali12530387IRI1840
4Sadeghi Shoormasti, Ali12560057IRI1837
5Kargarzadeh, Mahour22517294IRI1662
6Salimi, Mohammad Hossein428063309IRI1594
7Khojasteh, Fatemeh42589274IRI1582
8Khoshk Jahan, Shayan36790532IRI1557
9Badiani, Mahmood42790549IRI1529
10Alavi, Farshad428045530IRI1462
11Bahmani, PouriaIRI0
12Ebrahimi, Masoud22501185IRI0
13Mahbod, MasoudIRI0
14Sarmasti, BahmanIRI0
15Shivaei, ShahrokhIRI0
16Soleimani, MohammadHoosseinIRI0
17Tahbaz Salehi, AmiraliIRI0
18Yazdan panah, PouyaIRI0