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Ambition 11th International Fide Blitz Rating Chess Tournament

Senast uppdaterad28.08.2024 07:27:12, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

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1Kazi, Saiyf10253963BAN2011
2Rubel, Hossen10243046BAN1985
3Karim, M.Shahin10202404BAN1948
4Rayan, Rashid Mugdho10253424BAN1930
5Md Rabiul, Hossain10227776BAN1863
6Jane, Alam10293426BAN1837
7Md. Mijanul, Islam10213678BAN1814
8Debu Chandra, Dey10227733BAN1738
9Mahbubur Rashid, Md10236570BAN1656
10Fahad Bin, Abu Ahsan10284451BAN1654
11Kazi, Fatin Noor10293450BAN1562
12Shobontic, Saha10288325BAN1516
13Talha, Jobayer10299548BAN1439
14Golam Kibria,532003773BAN0