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Siddapur Taluka High Scholl Chess Tournament Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.08.2024 08:34:31, Creator/Last Upload: kvsripad

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1Kishankumar N N,IND1687
2Aarshit G,IND0
3Akash G Naik,IND0
4Akash M hegde,IND0
5Jevan S naik,IND0
6KalayanKumar R naik,IND0
7Pavan Nagaraj Hegde,IND0
8Raghuram V Bhat,IND0
9Rahul K,IND0
10Rajat V Shet,IND0
11Sumeth R naik,IND0
12V S Suprith,IND0