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Villa Santiago Blitz 2024 Վերջին արդիացում16.08.2024 05:44:12, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Alegre Leyva, Alejandro | 3518779 | CUB | 2259 |
2 | | Neyra Ferrer, Jose Asdrubal | 3521745 | CUB | 2098 |
3 | | Flores Imbert, Yoandri | 3506932 | CUB | 2093 |
4 | | Matos Pelegrin, Luis E. | 3518078 | CUB | 2043 |
5 | | Torres Joa, Kelman | 3505715 | CUB | 1998 |
6 | | Hechavarria Jardines, Ariel | 3518701 | CUB | 1976 |
7 | | Aroche Montoya, Reinaldo | 3533344 | CUB | 1931 |
8 | | Ruiz Bisbe, Yamir | 3527026 | CUB | 1929 |
9 | | Rodriguez Ruiz, Jose Manuel | 3517438 | CUB | 1892 |
10 | | Clark Bell, Rafael | 3532399 | CUB | 1798 |
11 | | Vaillant Texidor, Sandro | 3538192 | CUB | 1666 |
12 | | Cabrera Toledano, Pablo | 3533360 | CUB | 1627 |
13 | | Pozo Ruiz, Perla Maria | 3534715 | CUB | 1601 |
14 | | Nunez Gonzalez, Raul Ernesto | 3536238 | CUB | 1553 |