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prelim player list , will be subdivided into open and Novice / u10 divc group

Oasis monthly Blitz - 18 August 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 06:11:21, Creator/Last Upload: Hong Kong Chess 

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Lai, Robin6000436HKG1924OP
2Chan, Mikail Nur Azmir6014089HKG1647OP
3Chu, Kin Ho6002773HKG1602OP
4Membrey, Kaydyn6016200HKG1569OP
5Tse, Hei Leong6015085HKG1536OP
6Luk, Marcus Jasper6009328HKG1515OP
7Yip, Yan Tik6013082HKG1463N
8He, Weize Victor6010687HKG1462N
9Yim, Trevor Hei Wung6014488HKG1428N
10Kung, Chun Lam6010865HKG1420OP
11Chan, Yee Nok6016120HKG0C
12Hui, ManfredHKG0C
13Kong, Wai Leng6011845HKG0N
14Man, Chun Hin6015077HKG0N
15Sancheti, Dhruv Atul6007686HKG0C
16Sancheti, Neel Atul6015360HKG0C