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Steirische Jugendschachrallye 2024 Bärnbach - Gruppe BՎերջին արդիացում22.09.2024 15:08:14, Creator/Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Brenner, Nico | 1667670 | AUT | 1742 | Sk Tus Krieglach |
2 | | Schmied, Hagen Matthias | 1683403 | AUT | 1623 | Sk Alpine Trofaiach |
3 | | Schernthaner, Tim | 1674129 | AUT | 1578 | Bärnbach |
4 | | Mushynskyi, Emmanuil | 1691171 | AUT | 1572 | Sk Alpine Trofaiach |
5 | | Harmtodt, Maximilian | 1693751 | AUT | 1498 | Fürstenfeld |
6 | | Hackl, Konstantin | 1689231 | AUT | 1454 | Bärnbach |
7 | | Zens, Laura | 1689134 | AUT | 1328 | Bärnbach |
8 | | Pichler, Laurenz | 1682180 | AUT | 1304 | Grazer Schachgesellschaft |
9 | | Zaff, Maximilian | 530003091 | AUT | 1200 | Bärnbach |
10 | | Zens, Sebastian | 1689223 | AUT | 1200 | Bärnbach |