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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
2024 Newport Major اخر تحديث18.08.2024 20:22:20, منشئ/آخر رفع: Kevin
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Thomas, Mark | 1801791 | WLS | 1896 |
2 | | Shek, Daniel | 457817 | ENG | 1872 |
3 | | Faulkner, David J | 405680 | ENG | 1871 |
4 | | Little, Cameron | 343441980 | ENG | 1840 |
5 | | Zografos, Lef | 1806033 | WLS | 1834 |
6 | | Hannigan, Jack | 1806262 | WLS | 1824 |
7 | | Jones, Steve | 1802216 | WLS | 1812 |
8 | | Di-Vetta, Andrew | 1803964 | WLS | 1798 |
9 | | McGeeney, David | 2406101 | SCO | 1780 |
10 | | Rovaretti, David | 1803913 | WLS | 1778 |
11 | | Parri, Deio | 1802259 | WLS | 1774 |
12 | | Sibborn, Dale | 343409490 | ENG | 1766 |
13 | | Loog, Tiiu | 490369 | ENG | 1764 |
14 | | Ryan, Jeremy | 1808761 | WLS | 1759 |
15 | | Thomas, Kevin | 1800647 | WLS | 1750 |
16 | | Morgans, Justin | 1804898 | WLS | 1747 |
17 | | Bain, Oliver | 343451411 | ENG | 1726 |
18 | | Williams, David J | 1803565 | WLS | 1723 |
19 | | Thom, Cash | 343454399 | ENG | 1720 |
20 | | Gale, Michael | 1807498 | WLS | 1715 |
21 | | Forsey, Tomas | 1806777 | WLS | 1713 |
22 | | Jones, Jeremy | 1801937 | WLS | 1713 |
23 | | Norris, David | 1803000 | WLS | 1713 |
24 | | Jones, Gavin | 1805231 | WLS | 1710 |
25 | | Sharhorodsky, Yaroslav | 34163913 | WLS | 1704 |
26 | AFM | Mckenna, Joshua | 1802500 | WLS | 1701 |
27 | | Prabhu, Vismith | 1806475 | WLS | 1674 |
28 | | Bourne, Patrick | 1805967 | WLS | 1670 |
29 | | Holland, Lyn | 1803999 | WLS | 1669 |
30 | | Swamy, Anshul | 1805061 | WLS | 1669 |
31 | | Peters, Chris | 1806084 | WLS | 1661 |
32 | | Williams, James L | 1806661 | WLS | 1659 |
33 | | Daly, Grant | 448087 | ENG | 1655 |
34 | | Cuthbert, Larissa | 472000 | ENG | 1639 |
35 | | Emblem, Mark | 1801716 | WLS | 1611 |
36 | | Balfe, Andrew | 1807528 | WLS | 1606 |
37 | | Farani Sani, Hamid | 22527923 | IRI | 1600 |
38 | | Williams, John A | 1807480 | WLS | 1593 |
39 | | Powell, Cassian | 343447180 | ENG | 1550 |
40 | | Saparovich, Mikhail | 1809788 | WLS | 1400 |
41 | | Daniel, Elijah | 1808532 | WLS | 1392 |