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Chess Club Tempo Turnir 10+2 Saat 14:00 7 tur Hezi Aslanov 0513292976

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 14:07:55, Creator/Last Upload: Raul Quliyev

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1Nabiyev, RavanAZE1560
2Ehedzade, YusifAZE2000
3Hesenov, YasarAZE1800
4Kerimov, FaridAZE1800
5Quliyev, Yusif IlhamAZE1800
6Demirli, YusifAZE1600
7Quluyev, YusifAZE1600
8Rustemli, NurayAZE1600
9Demirli, AdemAZE1400