
SıraBşl.No.TakımOyun  +   =   -  EB1  EB2  EB3  EB4 
19SK Kindberg 2321059,50891
27SK TUS Krieglach 2321059,50884
31SK ALPINE Trofaiach 43210570641
55Leoben 4312047,50689
610Horn Union Ratten311137,50696
712SK ALPINE Trofaiach 5311135,50508
88Leoben 5302124,50428
911SK TUS Krieglach 33102240382
104Fohnsdorf 23102230272
116Schach ohne Ausgrenzung 2301212,50226
122SV Eisenerz3003040376

Eşitlik Bozma1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Eşitlik Bozma2: points (game-points)
Eşitlik Bozma3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Eşitlik Bozma4: Board Tie-Breaks of the whole tournament