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The return of the capybara Posledná aktualizácia 14.08.2024 04:14:41, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2024)
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Chapa, Charles Alexis Daniel | 29629918 | MEX | 1770 | Nuevo Leon |
2 | | Gomez, Moreno Juan Vicente | | MEX | 1700 | Nuevo Leon |
3 | | Rodriguez, Martinez Rodrigo | | MEX | 1656 | Nuevo Leon |
4 | | Cepeda, Cardona Ivan | | MEX | 1634 | Nuevo Leon |
5 | | Moo, Ruiz Samuel Aaron | | MEX | 1604 | Nuevo Leon |
6 | | Rodriguez, Hernandez David Alejandro | 29633478 | MEX | 1584 | Nuevo Leon |
7 | | Salinas, Gonzalez Rafael | 29633001 | MEX | 1582 | Nuevo Leon |
8 | | Van, Heerden Vazquez Francois | | MEX | 1567 | Nuevo Leon |
9 | | Robles, Villalobos Alejandro | 5189705 | MEX | 1558 | Nuevo Leon |
10 | | Rosas, Valle Patricio | | MEX | 1532 | Nuevo Leon |
11 | | Diaz, Palomo Eduardo | | MEX | 1492 | Nuevo Leon |
12 | | Camarena, Muniz Maximo Enrique | | MEX | 1451 | Nuevo Leon |
13 | | Martinez, Ramirez Santiago | | MEX | 1420 | Nuevo Leon |
14 | | Corpi Daniel, | | AUT | 0 | |
15 | | Ramirez Roman, | | AUT | 0 | |