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The return of the capybara

Last update 14.08.2024 04:14:41, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2024)

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Starting rank

1Chapa, Charles Alexis Daniel29629918MEX1770Nuevo Leon
2Gomez, Moreno Juan VicenteMEX1700Nuevo Leon
3Rodriguez, Martinez RodrigoMEX1656Nuevo Leon
4Cepeda, Cardona IvanMEX1634Nuevo Leon
5Moo, Ruiz Samuel AaronMEX1604Nuevo Leon
6Rodriguez, Hernandez David Alejandro29633478MEX1584Nuevo Leon
7Salinas, Gonzalez Rafael29633001MEX1582Nuevo Leon
8Van, Heerden Vazquez FrancoisMEX1567Nuevo Leon
9Robles, Villalobos Alejandro5189705MEX1558Nuevo Leon
10Rosas, Valle PatricioMEX1532Nuevo Leon
11Diaz, Palomo EduardoMEX1492Nuevo Leon
12Camarena, Muniz Maximo EnriqueMEX1451Nuevo Leon
13Martinez, Ramirez SantiagoMEX1420Nuevo Leon
14Corpi Daniel,AUT0
15Ramirez Roman,AUT0