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Menzel Fersi Chess Tournament - Tunisian Women's Day -

Last update 13.08.2024 22:43:40, Creator/Last Upload: Yousri ZAKHAMA

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Starting rank

1GHARBI, Chiheb5514967TUN1711
2SASSI, Ahmed5500753TUN1620
3Bahba, RayenTUN0
4Ben Abdelkader, MohamedTUN0
5Benzarti, RitejTUN0
6Boughattas, AhmedTUN0
7BOUGHATTAS, Mohamed5514177TUN0
8Cherif, YassineTUN0
9Ellozi, LotfiTUN0
10Kriden, RaedTUN0
11Lajimi, AliTUN0
12Lajimi, SofianTUN0
13Lajimi, ZouhaierTUN0
14Trad, OmarTUN0