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Reporting time- 9:00 AM
If any names are missing or any correction, kindly meet Chief Arbiter at the earliest.

Number of Rounds- 5 to 6 (depending on participants)
Tie-breaks Used:
1. Buccholz Cut 1- Sum of total scores of all your Opponent minus least score of an opponent
2. Buccholz - Sum of total scores of all your opponents
3. SB
4. Direct Encounter
5. Greater Number of Victories

ಮಾನ್ಯ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣಾಧಿಕಾರಿಯವರ ಕಛೇರಿ, ಬೇಳಾರ, ಮಂಗಳೂರು ದಕ್ಷಿಣ -Highschool Girls Category

Last update 14.08.2024 13:37:43, Creator/Last Upload: pjchess

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Starting rank

1Abhinaya, .M.BIND0Morarji Desai Residential Scho
2Ankitha,IND0Capitanio High School
3Ashel Fernandes,IND0St Marys
4Ayesha, NasuhaIND0Hira School Babbukatte
5Charishma, PoojaryIND0Chinmaya School
6Fathima, RihanaIND0St. Joseph High School Bajal
7Gayathri,IND0Ghs Kinnikambla
8Izma Najath,IND0Nithyadar English Medium Schoo
9Jeevitha,IND0Govt High School Permanur
10Lien, MariyamIND0Hira School Babbukatte
11Likitha, R KIND0Shree Bharathi English Medium
12Mahisha,IND0Ideal English Medium School
13Manamma,IND0Ghs Kinnikambla
14Mithali, D KottariIND0St. Mary's High School Falnir
15Moksha, S BangeraIND0Nithyadar English Medium Schoo
17Nidhi,IND0Sacred Heart
18Nihana,IND0St Joseph's English Medium Sch
19Prakruthi Roy,IND0St Agnes
20Sahana,IND0St Joseph English Medium Schoo
21Samruddhi,IND0St Joseph's English Medium Sch
22Shristi, L ShettyIND0Capitanio High School
23Tejaswini.B, GIND0Morarji Desai Residential Scho
24Thanusha,IND0Govt High School Permanur
25Thrisha Rao,IND0Cascia
26Thrisha S,IND0St Agnes
27Tripti, RaoIND0Chinmaya School
28Vaishali,IND0G H S Malali
29Vanisha Dafney Kundar,IND0Sacred Heart