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Reporting time- 9:00 AM
If any names are missing or any correction, kindly meet Chief Arbiter at the earliest.

Number of Rounds- 5 to 6 (depending on participants)
Tie-breaks Used:
1. Buccholz Cut 1- Sum of total scores of all your Opponent minus least score of an opponent
2. Buccholz - Sum of total scores of all your opponents
3. SB
4. Direct Encounter
5. Greater Number of Victories

ಮಾನ್ಯ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣಾಧಿಕಾರಿಯವರ ಕಛೇರಿ, ಬೇಳಾರ, ಮಂಗಳೂರು ದಕ್ಷಿಣ -Primary Boys Category

Last update 14.08.2024 13:23:05, Creator/Last Upload: pjchess

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Starting rank

1Aarav, ThevarIND0Kuvempu Centenary Upgraded Gov
2aaron Jovil Veigas,IND0St Sebastian
3Abdul, Bathin RaheemIND0Hira Primary School
4Adithya, M KIND0Chinmaya School
5Akarsh Anilkumar,IND0St Raymond English Medium High
6Anvith,IND0Govt Hr Pry School Kilenjar
7Bhavish,IND0Moodushedde Hr Pry School
8Bhuvan, GattyIND0Nithyadar English Medium Schoo
9Chinthan,IND0Ideal English Medium School
10Dishan,IND0Sdm Mangala Jyothi Integrated
11Hammabba, Sahad IshamIND0St. Mary's English Hr. Pry. Sc
12Hrithvik, H KumarIND0Swami Sadananda Saraswathi Vid
13Ibrahim, ShadadIND0Kaveri Vidyala Kuppepadav
14Jaumith,IND0St Raymond English Medium High
15Krithik,IND0Holy Angels H P S Permannur
16M, Vaibhav ShenoyIND0Sacred Hearts Higher Primary E
17Mohammed, Abdul ZameerIND0St. Mary's English Hr. Pry. Sc
18Mohammed, BilalIND0Hira Primary School
19Mohammed, RuhaizIND0St Rita English Medium School,
20Muhammed, WaridIND0Holy Angels H P S Permannur
21Muttanna,IND0Morarji Desai Residential Scho
23Oswin, D'souzaIND0Kaveri Vidyala Kuppepadav
24Pranav C,IND0Chinmaya School
25Prithviraj,IND0St Joseph English Medium Schoo
26R, VishwaIND0Moodushedde Hr Pry School
27Ridhaan, R NayakIND0St Joseph's English Medium Sch
28Rihan Merwin,IND0Paduva
29Rishith,IND0St Joseph's English Medium Sch
30Samarth,IND0Govt Hr Pry School Kilenjar
31Sayyed M Shahaz,IND0St Sebastian
32Shannon,IND0St Joseph Eng Med
33Shannon,IND0St Joseph English Medium Schoo
34Swasthik,IND0Kuvempu Centenary Upgraded Gov
35Swayam,IND0Swami Sadananda Saraswathi Vid
36Umar Soud,IND0
37Vihan Rubel, BangeraIND0Nithyadar English Medium Schoo
38Vishal, AIND0Sacred Hearts Higher Primary E