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Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 13:20:22, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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1McLean, HandjabaNAM1961
2Cronje, Johannes Christiaan15211525NAM1511
3Cronje, Frederick15211517NAM1426
4Bimba, ManuelNAM0
5Bodenstein, Cornelis Johannes15213293NAM0
6Bodenstein, ErikNAM0
7Gollner, Dominik JGER0
8Gurirab, Dean-Noah Eyambeko15213722NAM0
9Gutmann, LucaGER0
10Joppien, Tabea CGER0
11Leipholz, Alisha RGER0
12Ulrich, EnnoNAM0
13Seliger, LucasGER0
14Shapumba, Jonas, SNAM0
15Msati, Ashwin BraylinGER0