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SGFI Mangalore North 8th Girls Chess Tournament -2024

Last update 13.08.2024 11:48:36, Creator/Last Upload: Chesssaksha

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Starting rank

1Aamina Hanfa,0Anjuman English Medium Higher Prima
2Aditi Kamath,0Ladyhill EMS
3Alisha Wilama Cabrel,0Ladyhill Victoria HS
4Fathima Risha,0Narayanaguru Katipalla
5Hastha V Devadiga,0Shree Narayana Sanil Government Pu
6Janvi Gujaran,0Shri Vyasa Maharshi Vidyapeetha Mul
7Kushi,0Gpuc Chellar
8Lakshani Hemanth Kottari,0Gpuc Balmatta Mangalore
9Mastha V Devadiga,0SNS GPUC Haleyangadi
10Nidhi G Naik,0Canara English Higher Primary Schoo
11Nishka Jain,0Canara Higher Primary School Urwa
12Pranvi,0Popular Bunts English Medium School