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Torneo de ajedrez convivo TOLLAN CHESS

Last update 13.08.2024 06:53:00, Creator/Last Upload: Flavio Chávez Tavera

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Starting rank

1Chavez Tavera, Flavio5181860MEX1845
2Trejo, Colin DomingoMEX1823
3Navarrete Villeda, Francisco Noe5126851MEX1719Hidalgo
4Castro, Neria Alan5160642MEX1703
5Duran Arosquita, Miguel Angel5157455MEX1699Hidalgo
6Flores, Martinez Teofilo29609003MEX1598
7Gutierrez, Hernandez Jossimar5157536MEX1591Hidalgo
8Castro, Ruiz Alan CristobalMEX1576
9Arguelles Mendez, ViridianaMEX0
10Badillo pedreza, Miguel angelMEX0
11Fuentes Gonzalez, GilMEX0
12Machuca Mascorro, JuaquinMEX0
13Perez Garcia, Jorge Edgar5157676MEX1723