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2024 Nigeria National Chess Championship Qualifiers (Women)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 13:37:01, Creator/Last Upload: computerfineman

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1Erhabor, Joy Felix8506620NGR1848
2Nzeako, Chizoba Treasure8509042NGR1795
3Abdussalam, Mardhiyyah Kehinde8514089NGR1794
4Osundinakin, Yemi8501190NGR1772
5Asuquo, Eunice8502633NGR1747
6Ishaya, Rejoice Kira8522847NGR1741
7Olabisi, Oluwaseun Elizabeth8503400NGR1736
8Emmanuel, Ogechi8515468NGR1729
9Oyelese, Mayomi Olayinka8502900NGR1717
10Madu, Cynthia8515395NGR1707
11Chukura, Adanwakaego Ololade8512965NGR1695
12Urieto, Kristen Ivie8518203NGR1536