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Edinburgh Park Blitz Aug 2024

Վերջին արդիացում18.08.2024 12:01:20, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Mckay, Jonathan2405512SCO1964
2Cordero Hernandez, Jorge Pablo2410516SCO1843
3Mccormack, Derek2406306SCO1808
4AFMPrateek, Wadhwa46667040IND1803
5Karthick, Alagu2410990SCO1766
6Rishikumar, S G48705349IND1757
7Mcgillivray, Calum2405407SCO1748
8Mcdiarmid, Euan2410745SCO1735
9Kumar, Ishan2408554SCO1701
10Nield, Christopher2410044SCO1701
11Lopez Henderson, Kyle2413310SCO1626
12Donitova-Johnstone, Darima2410036SCO1622
13Aitken, Thomas2415445SCO1399
14Raghu, Shravan429078440IND1334
15Kovalevskij, Alan2414996SCO1106
16Lopez Henderson, Sandy2414880SCO719
17Caulfield, Jamie2416182SCO0
18Smilke, Joshua7404751JAM1565
19Howie, Andy2403986SCO0