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CCS LJCC U12 18th Aug 2024

Last update 18.08.2024 17:02:11, Creator: ,Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Pai, Sidhanth343111937ENG1606Worthing
2Hill, Callum343403913ENG1529London Nw *
3Dalah, Jacob498963ENG1412Barnet Knights
4De Boer, Lara343410766ENG1283wBarnet Knights
5Dearing, Alexander343453279ENG1113Barnet Knights
6Dugdale, Daniel343445268ENG1080Woodridge School
7Slater, Ayrton343429971ENG989London Nw *
8Hiseman, Benjamin343418538ENG932Hall, The (Middlesex)
9Nicholson, TedENG847Wanstead
10Puligundla, IshtaENG730wLondon E *
11Raj, SkandhaENG0