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Edinburgh Park Major U 2000 Aug 2024

Darrera actualització18.08.2024 18:22:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1Burnett, Walter2401134SCO1910
2McCormack, Derek2406306SCO1872
3Sykes, Chris2401649SCO1766
4Patton, Zachary2411628SCO1707
5Rutherford, Kathleen2404117SCO1678
6McClymont, Duncan2414503SCO1672
7Donitova-Johnstone, Darima2410036SCO1662
8Sneddon, Iain D2410141SCO1637
9McGillivray, Calum2405407SCO1630
10Nield, Christopher2410044SCO1614
11Murray, Frankie2402963SCO1613
12Armstrong, Calum2416204SCO1606
13Hall, David G2402394SCO1590
14Kumar, Ishan2408554SCO1575
15Karthik, Alagu2410990SCO1565
16Simpson, Carrick2413698SCO1565
17Lopez Henderson, Kyle2413310SCO1559
18Hand, Jamie2409186SCO1555
19Lohmann, Rene34616373GER1501
20Clark, Eve2415542SCO1465
21Thomson, Steve2415429SCO1430
22AFMAl Dakl Alla, Humam2410150SCO1426
23Gamble, Marc343409032ENG1384
24Prabhu, Aadith2410400SCO1370
25Rath, Srinivas2410028SCO1367
26Rishikumar, S G48705349IND1347
27Robertson, Jim2403471SCO1333