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Zone 4.5 Chess Championship developmental- U16 Girls section

Last update 16.08.2024 16:39:22, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Namwai, Alinuswe V8726213ZAM1624
2Mweetwa, Victoria8723060ZAM1611
3Chimboza, Tinevimbo Elizabeth11012757ZIM1580
4Bwalya, Margret8727821ZAM1468
5Amyra, Jain11008466ZIM1425
6Chamdimba, Faith20509847MAW0
7Chamdimba, Omega20509839MAW0
8Chibesa, Matilda8727848ZAM0
9Chimeta, Lucie20508484MAW0
10Fosa, Michelle20508239MAW0
11Longwe, Nthanda8728887ZAM0
12Mwafulirwa, Miranda20508271MAW0
13Ncube, Princess11012820ZIM0
14Nelita, Siameja8727953ZAM0
15Sichali, Atupele Atusaye8725071ZAM0
16Sichali, Kisa8725080ZAM0
17Vankhedekar, Nikhil Nitya8729930ZAM0