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324º Torneio KAIZEN Dos Fortes Blitz LBX In Memorian ao Irmãos Gilsivan Barbalho e Gilsomar Barbalho FELICITTÁ SHOPPING Bairro Águas Claras - DF

Last update 15.08.2024 03:40:57, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Starting rank

1BREITMAN, Nelson Rodrigues530693BRA2331
2FREITAS, Ronan Cunha532985BRA2198
3CAMPOS, Westerley Batista520611BRA2184
4SOARES, Estevao Luiz530050BRA2127
5SEABRA, Ricardo Manhaes601869BRA2084
6DA SILVA, Andre Luiz Alves534205BRA1945
7Guimaraes, Danilo MendesBRA1800
8DE SANTANA, Gildo Fellipe Travassos606231BRA1744
9DE ALMEIDA, Lisa Travassos606229BRA1727