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Promoting Pawns Junior Chess Championship

Senast uppdaterad01.09.2024 16:35:38, Creator/Last Upload: Monafils

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1Abele, MokomaLES0
2Ismael, MaswanganyiLES0
3Khapung, ThatoLES0
4Khotle, NaleliLES0
5Lefuma, KaraboLES0
6Lesela, BatloungLES0
7Lesela, 'MasekhoaneLES0
8Letsie, FakoLES0
9Malakane, LehlohonoloLES0
10Matsoso, TebelloLES0
11Molaoli, MakoaeLES0
12Moshao, ThabelangLES0
13Motelle, AmohelangLES0
14Motopi, KaraboLES0
15Phera, HlengiweLES0
16Poqa, KatlehoLES0
17Ralile, KamoheloLES0
18Ramosoeu, MotikiLES0
19Rasephei, Ethan JuniorLES0
20Sebeko, KatlehoLES0
21Seitlheko, RetsilisitsoeLES0
22Selebeli, LefaLES0
23Senokonyane, ThapeloLES0
24Thamae, BakoenaLES0
25Tsilo, KananeloLES0