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Promoting Pawns Chess Championship

Last update 22.10.2024 23:26:55, Creator/Last Upload: Monafils

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Starting rank

1Tsephe, Lebajoa21302197LES1863
2Bokang, Motsamai21301441LES1674
3Karabo, Mokete21303622LES1497
4Ramakabane, Refuoe14317311LES1482
5Kananelo, Nkalimeng21302855LES1384
6George, MohamedLES0
7Khama, LetsatsiLES0
8Lebona, ThaboLES0
9Lihloela, MotlomeloLES0
10Liphoto, LehlohonoloLES0
11Maraisane, MathabaLES0
12Moketa, LiraLES0
13Molapo, JoangLES0
14Molise, LintleLES0
15Moorosi, ThatoLES0
16Mothibeli, KhoeleLES0
17Rakotsoane, KhopoloLES0
18Ranthimo, KhotsoLES0
19Setipe, TsepoLES0
20Tholoana, SelloLES0