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New Horizon Cup 2024- Under 16

Last update 12.08.2024 13:39:16, Creator/Last Upload: derikschessschool

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Starting rank

1Niroopsai, MarellaIND1533St.Joesph's Boys' High School
2Tanush Reddy,IND1472DPS Bangalore South
3Anantha, Krishna RIND1450New Horizon Gurukul
4Vasanth, ChockalingamIND1426New Horizon Gurukul
5Akshay,IND1412DPS Bangalore South
6Adit, AggarwalIND0Shriram Global School
7Advik, RIND0New Horizon Gurukul
8Amanyu, Sajith UmmanathIND0The Foundation school Anekal
9Anirudh C R,IND0DPS Electronic City
10Anmol, NagIND0Airaa Acadedmy
11Bhavya Nath,IND0The Foundation school Anekal
12Chethan,IND0DPS Bangalore South
13Chiranjeevi, NikhilIND0Shriram Global School
14Dhananjay, PIND0ITI central School
15Dhrishtee Ghosh,IND0DPS Electronic City
16Divyanshu, LahonIND0New Horizon Public School
17Harshil, MishraIND0DPS Whitefield
18Lakshitha, SIND0The Foundation school Anekal
19M, PranavIND0New Horizon Gurukul
20Mirethulan, S VIND0New Horizon Public School
21Mitul K H,IND0Global Indian International School
22Naman, DixitIND0Vidyanjali Academy of learning
23Nihal, Singh VermaIND0Shriram Global School
24Ninnad, RajIND0Shriram Global School
25Pranav, NandakumarIND0St.Joesph's Boys' High School
26Raajas, AbhyankarIND0New Horizon Public School
27Rishit Srivatsava,IND0Global Indian International School
28Rishith, Chowdary ChunduriIND0New Horizon Gurukul
29S, RaghaviIND0Vidyanjali Academy of learning
30S, Shri Ram KumaranIND0The Foundation school Anekal
31Samarjith B Nair,IND0DPS Electronic City
32Shankar A,IND0NPS Indiranagar
33Shayan, PahujaIND0St.Joesph's Boys' High School
34Shrihan, SajjanIND0Shriram Global School
35Shriya, MaheshIND0New Horizon Public School
36Siddharth, SathyanarayanIND0New Horizon Public School
37Tarun, MIND0ITI central School
38Thejas, K SIND0ITI central School
39Udayan, BanergeeIND0DPS Whitefield
40Vansh, N GandhiIND0DPS Bangalore South
41Vihari Bhattaram,IND0DPS Bangalore East
42Viraj,IND0DPS Bangalore South