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New Horizon Cup 2024- Under 10

Last update 12.08.2024 13:09:31, Creator/Last Upload: derikschessschool

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Starting rank

1Ishaan, BhansaliIND1572St.Joesph's Boys' High School
2Aditya Ashok,IND1549DPS Bangalore East
3Dishi Makhija,IND1501Vidyanjalai Academy
4Avyukta Nayyar,IND1480DPS Bangalore East
5Aarav, PIND0Gopalan International school
6Aayansh, GuptaIND0Gear Innovative Int School
7Aethan, George PaulIND0Shriram Global School
8Agnivbhattacharya,IND0DPS whitefield
9Ananya, MishraIND0NPS (whitefield)
10Arjun, GIND0Gopalan International school
11Atharva,IND0DPS Bangalore South
12Cherith Manas Maseti,IND0DPS Bangalore East
13D., Nihaal MohamedIND0The Frank anthony public school
14Dhruva,IND0DPS Bangalore South
15Dhruva, KopperlaIND0New Horizon Gurukul
16Divam,IND0DPS Bangalore South
17Dreeta,IND0Gopalan International school
18Hanishka, MishraIND0DPS whitefield
19Jai, GuptaIND0New Horizon Public School
20Jishnu,IND0ITI central School
21Johaan, Neo BhowmickIND0St.Joesph's Boys' High School
22Kabilan, ThangavelIND0Gear Innovative Int School
23Mihitkishnan, SallanIND0Shriram Global School
24Mohammed, Tawfiq HakimullaIND0Gear Innovative Int School
25Naren, SIND0Chrysalis High Gunjur
26Navojit, PrabhakarIND0New Horizon Gurukul
27Parth Bharadwaj,IND0DPS Bangalore East
28Praneel,IND0DPS Bangalore South
29Prayansh,IND0Shriram Global School
30Rachit, UpadhyayIND0New Horizon Gurukul
31Reyansh, Dhekial PhukanIND0New Horizon Gurukul
32Rudrksh, Prrem KumaarIND0The Foundation school Anekal
33Saanvi,IND0Gopalan International school
34Sathyajith, KsIND0St.Joesph's Boys' High School
35Shikhar, KarthikeyanIND0Gear Innovative Int School
36Shreya, RIND0New Horizon Public School
37Spruha, Sumedh TirodkarIND0New Horizon Gurukul
38Sreehari, Venu NairIND0New Horizon Public School
39Suraj, Singh VermaIND0Shriram Global School
40Tanvika, SriIND0New Horizon Public School
41Tejas, VarshneyIND0Gopalan International school
42Trishna, Veda VadakattuIND0The Foundation school Anekal
43Vedant, Sujeet JogIND0New Horizon Public School
44Vihaan, Dattha GIND0The Foundation school Anekal
45Vishruth, Reddy VadkherlaIND0The Foundation school Anekal
46Vrisan, TyagiIND0Gear Innovative Int School
47Y., Mokshan ReddyIND0The Foundation school Anekal
48Dhruv K Dileep,IND0DPS Electronic City
49Yuvaan Soni,IND0DPS Electronic City