2. Klasse West 2024/2025 Последно обновяване24.11.2024 18:51:16, Creator/Last Upload: SCHACHKLUB ST VEIT/GLAN
Турнирна селекция | Kärntner Liga, Unterliga, BZL WEST, BZL OST, 1. Klasse, 2. Klasse Ost, 2. Klasse WEST |
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Eloliste | Pnr | name | elo | rd | Rd_datum | f | St | K | erg | elo+/- | gegner | elogeg | pnrgeg |
01.10.2024 | 145507 | Amon Markus | 1347 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | 42.1 | 0 | -12,64 | Mesbah Youssef | 1499 | 146503 |
01.01.2025 | 145507 | Amon Markus | 1310 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | - | | 1 | 0 | Pukalo Tichon | 0 | 146580 |
01.01.2025 | 145507 | Amon Markus | 1310 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 43.7 | 1 | 15,29 | Collaud Felix | 1200 | 146180 |
01.01.2025 | 138165 | Baurecht Elena | 1457 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 37.8 | 1 | 8,31 | Smole Elias | 1240 | 144117 |
01.10.2024 | 137823 | Baurecht Günter | 1453 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Collaud Felix | 0 | 146180 |
01.10.2024 | 136563 | Baurecht Roman | 1590 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | 32.8 | 1 | 11,79 | Zang Yuran | 1488 | 142555 |
01.01.2025 | 136563 | Baurecht Roman | 1573 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 33.4 | 1 | 7,68 | Smole Julian | 1366 | 143854 |
01.10.2024 | 128964 | Bergmann Andreas | 1582 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | 33.1 | 0 | -22,14 | Stadler Christopher | 1456 | 145627 |
01.01.2025 | 128964 | Bergmann Andreas | 1550 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 34.2 | 0,5 | -2,05 | Mesbah Youssef | 1510 | 146503 |
01.10.2024 | 142618 | Biasco Dana | 1635 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | 31.2 | 1 | 23,05 | Ressmann Wilfried | 1817 | 111884 |
01.10.2024 | 144752 | Burger Clemens | 1586 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | 32.9 | 1 | 7,57 | Koini Felix | 1374 | 143617 |
01.01.2025 | 144752 | Burger Clemens | 1620 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 31.7 | 1 | 12,36 | Weiler Oswald | 1542 | 115906 |
01.01.2025 | 140865 | Clara Emma | 1291 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 146178 |
01.10.2024 | 146180 | Collaud Felix | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | E | | 0 | 0 | Baurecht Günter | 1453 | 137823 |
01.01.2025 | 146180 | Collaud Felix | 1200 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | V | | 0 | 0 | Baurecht Günter | 1453 | 137823 |
01.01.2025 | 146180 | Collaud Felix | 1200 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | | 0 | 0 | Smole Elias | 1240 | 144117 |
01.01.2025 | 146180 | Collaud Felix | 1200 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | | 0 | 0 | Amon Markus | 1310 | 145507 |
01.01.2025 | 102069 | Draxl Ernst | 1573 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 33.4 | 0,5 | -10,68 | Peturnig Valerian | 1310 | 140375 |
01.01.2025 | 145239 | Fritz Markus | 1215 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 47.7 | 1 | 22,92 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 145897 |
01.10.2024 | 146181 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | - | | 1 | 0 | Scheiflinger Ines | 0 | 146049 |
01.01.2025 | 146181 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 40.2 | 1 | 10,06 | Warmuth Markus | 1203 | 145169 |
01.01.2025 | 146181 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | 40.2 | 0 | -7,65 | Niederwieser Manfred | 1647 | 125178 |
01.01.2025 | 146048 | Graf Sascha | 0 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | - | | 0 | 0 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 146389 |
01.01.2025 | 146048 | Graf Sascha | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | - | | 1 | 0 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 146178 |
01.10.2024 | 146178 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | E | | 0,5 | 0 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 145897 |
01.01.2025 | 146178 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | E | | 0,5 | 0 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 145897 |
01.01.2025 | 146178 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | E | | 0 | 0 | Clara Emma | 1291 | 140865 |
01.01.2025 | 146178 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | - | | 0 | 0 | Graf Sascha | 0 | 146048 |
01.10.2024 | 145615 | Kinzl Dominik | 1379 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | | 1 | 0 | Warmuth Markus | 1216 | 145169 |
01.10.2024 | 143617 | Koini Felix | 1374 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | 41 | 0 | -9,44 | Burger Clemens | 1586 | 144752 |
01.01.2025 | 143617 | Koini Felix | 1322 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 43.2 | 1 | 15,11 | Van Bilsen Moos | 1213 | 143188 |
01.01.2025 | 143617 | Koini Felix | 1322 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 43.2 | 0 | -13,82 | Stadler Christopher | 1456 | 145627 |
01.01.2025 | 143617 | Koini Felix | 1322 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | 43.2 | 0 | -9,5 | Spanz Robert | 1547 | 113895 |
01.01.2025 | 143162 | Kolar-Thompson Lynne | 1526 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | 35.1 | 1 | 4,57 | Warmuth Markus | 1203 | 145169 |
01.01.2025 | 146581 | Kos Egon | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | - | | 0 | 0 | Steininger Valentin | 0 | 145874 |
01.01.2025 | 117238 | Kuss Erich | 1611 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 32 | 0 | -18,88 | Zang Yuran | 1549 | 142555 |
01.01.2025 | 107802 | Lach Johann | 1688 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 29.3 | 1 | 4,98 | Meier Raphael | 1419 | 145187 |
01.10.2024 | 145187 | Meier Raphael | 1417 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | | 39.3 | 0,5 | 1,57 | Schluga Matteo | 1444 | 144827 |
01.01.2025 | 145187 | Meier Raphael | 1419 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 39.2 | 0 | -6,67 | Lach Johann | 1688 | 107802 |
01.10.2024 | 146503 | Mesbah Youssef | 1499 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | 36.1 | 1 | 10,84 | Amon Markus | 1347 | 145507 |
01.01.2025 | 146503 | Mesbah Youssef | 1510 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 35.7 | 1 | 5,36 | Ortner Filip | 1217 | 143353 |
01.01.2025 | 146503 | Mesbah Youssef | 1510 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | - | | 1 | 0 | Scheiflinger Ines | 0 | 146049 |
01.01.2025 | 146503 | Mesbah Youssef | 1510 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | 35.7 | 0,5 | 2,14 | Bergmann Andreas | 1550 | 128964 |
01.01.2025 | 125178 | Niederwieser Manfred | 1647 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 30.7 | 1 | 5,84 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 146181 |
01.01.2025 | 143353 | Ortner Filip | 1217 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 47.7 | 0 | -7,15 | Mesbah Youssef | 1510 | 146503 |
01.10.2024 | 146389 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | E | | 1 | 0 | Unterasinger Timo | 1297 | 143528 |
01.01.2025 | 146389 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | E | | 1 | 0 | Unterasinger Timo | 1297 | 143528 |
01.01.2025 | 146389 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Graf Sascha | 0 | 146048 |
01.01.2025 | 146389 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | E | | 1 | 0 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 145897 |
01.01.2025 | 146389 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Wendling Jamie | 0 | 145515 |
01.01.2025 | 140375 | Peturnig Valerian | 1310 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | 43.7 | 0,5 | 13,98 | Draxl Ernst | 1573 | 102069 |
01.01.2025 | 146580 | Pukalo Tichon | 0 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | E | | 0 | 0 | Amon Markus | 1310 | 145507 |
01.01.2025 | 146580 | Pukalo Tichon | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | - | | 0 | 0 | Stadler Konstantin | 0 | 146789 |
01.01.2025 | 139447 | Reiter Lukas | 1405 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 39.8 | 1 | 13,93 | Unterasinger Timo | 1297 | 143528 |
01.10.2024 | 111884 | Ressmann Wilfried | 1817 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | 25.1 | 0 | -18,54 | Biasco Dana | 1635 | 142618 |
01.01.2025 | 145185 | Scheiber Elija | 1200 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | - | | 1 | 0 | Stadler Konstantin | 0 | 146789 |
01.01.2025 | 145185 | Scheiber Elija | 1200 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | | 48.4 | 1 | 24,2 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 145897 |
01.10.2024 | 146049 | Scheiflinger Ines | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | E | | 0 | 0 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 146181 |
01.01.2025 | 146049 | Scheiflinger Ines | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | E | | 0 | 0 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 146181 |
01.01.2025 | 146049 | Scheiflinger Ines | 0 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | E | | 0 | 0 | Mesbah Youssef | 1510 | 146503 |
01.01.2025 | 146179 | Scheiflinger Raphael | 0 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | E | | 0 | 0 | Zebedin Andreas | 1535 | 145445 |
01.10.2024 | 144827 | Schluga Matteo | 1444 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | 38.3 | 0,5 | -1,53 | Meier Raphael | 1417 | 145187 |
01.01.2025 | 144827 | Schluga Matteo | 1442 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 38.3 | 0 | -13,42 | Zang Yuran | 1549 | 142555 |
01.01.2025 | 113765 | Sixthofer Kurt | 1587 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 32.9 | 0,5 | -3,62 | Unterweger Laurin | 1509 | 143612 |
01.01.2025 | 144117 | Smole Elias | 1240 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 46.7 | 1 | 20,53 | Collaud Felix | 1200 | 146180 |
01.01.2025 | 144117 | Smole Elias | 1240 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 46.7 | 0 | -10,26 | Baurecht Elena | 1457 | 138165 |
01.01.2025 | 143854 | Smole Julian | 1366 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 41.4 | 0 | -9,52 | Baurecht Roman | 1573 | 136563 |
01.01.2025 | 113895 | Spanz Robert | 1547 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 34.3 | 1 | 7,55 | Koini Felix | 1322 | 143617 |
01.10.2024 | 145627 | Stadler Christopher | 1456 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | | 1 | 0 | Bergmann Andreas | 1582 | 128964 |
01.01.2025 | 145627 | Stadler Christopher | 1456 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 37.8 | 1 | 12,09 | Koini Felix | 1322 | 143617 |
01.10.2024 | 146789 | Stadler Konstantin | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Wendling Jamie | 0 | 145515 |
01.01.2025 | 146789 | Stadler Konstantin | 0 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | E | | 0 | 0 | Scheiber Elija | 1200 | 145185 |
01.01.2025 | 146789 | Stadler Konstantin | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Pukalo Tichon | 0 | 146580 |
01.10.2024 | 145897 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | - | | 0,5 | 0 | Karajko Meryem | 0 | 146178 |
01.01.2025 | 145897 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 48.4 | 0 | -23,23 | Fritz Markus | 1215 | 145239 |
01.01.2025 | 145897 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | - | | 0 | 0 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 146389 |
01.01.2025 | 145897 | Staudacher Luca | 1200 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 48.4 | 0 | -24,2 | Scheiber Elija | 1200 | 145185 |
01.01.2025 | 145874 | Steininger Valentin | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Kos Egon | 0 | 146581 |
01.01.2025 | 145186 | Supanz Günther | 1200 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Wendling Jamie | 0 | 145515 |
01.10.2024 | 143528 | Unterasinger Timo | 1297 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | - | | 0 | 0 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 146389 |
01.01.2025 | 143528 | Unterasinger Timo | 1297 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 44.2 | 0 | -15,48 | Reiter Lukas | 1405 | 139447 |
01.01.2025 | 143612 | Unterweger Laurin | 1509 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 35.8 | 0,5 | 3,93 | Sixthofer Kurt | 1587 | 113765 |
01.01.2025 | 143188 | Van Bilsen Moos | 1213 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | s | | 47.8 | 0 | -16,74 | Koini Felix | 1322 | 143617 |
01.10.2024 | 145169 | Warmuth Markus | 1216 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | 47.7 | 0 | -13,36 | Kinzl Dominik | 1379 | 145615 |
01.01.2025 | 145169 | Warmuth Markus | 1203 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 48.3 | 0 | -12,07 | Gaggl Maximilian | 1394 | 146181 |
01.01.2025 | 145169 | Warmuth Markus | 1203 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | w | | 48.3 | 0 | -6,27 | Kolar-Thompson Lynne | 1526 | 143162 |
01.01.2025 | 115906 | Weiler Oswald | 1542 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 34.5 | 0 | -13,46 | Burger Clemens | 1620 | 144752 |
01.01.2025 | 115906 | Weiler Oswald | 1542 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 34.5 | 1 | 8,98 | Zeiner Viktor | 1359 | 142634 |
01.10.2024 | 145515 | Wendling Jamie | 0 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | s | - | | 0 | 0 | Stadler Konstantin | 0 | 146789 |
01.01.2025 | 145515 | Wendling Jamie | 0 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | E | | 0 | 0 | Supanz Günther | 1200 | 145186 |
01.01.2025 | 145515 | Wendling Jamie | 0 | 4 | 23.11.2024 | s | - | | 0 | 0 | Paolucci Milko | 0 | 146389 |
01.10.2024 | 142555 | Zang Yuran | 1488 | 1 | 21.09.2024 | w | | 36.6 | 0 | -13,16 | Baurecht Roman | 1590 | 136563 |
01.01.2025 | 142555 | Zang Yuran | 1549 | 2 | 05.10.2024 | w | | 34.3 | 1 | 11,99 | Schluga Matteo | 1442 | 144827 |
01.01.2025 | 142555 | Zang Yuran | 1549 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | s | | 34.3 | 1 | 20,21 | Kuss Erich | 1611 | 117238 |
01.01.2025 | 145445 | Zebedin Andreas | 1535 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | - | | 1 | 0 | Scheiflinger Raphael | 0 | 146179 |
01.01.2025 | 142634 | Zeiner Viktor | 1359 | 3 | 09.11.2024 | w | | 41.7 | 0 | -10,83 | Weiler Oswald | 1542 | 115906 |