2. Klasse West 2024/2025

Organizer(s)Kärntner Schachverband
FederationAustria ( AUT )
Tournament directorMartin Kahlig
Chief ArbiterIA Hannes Tscharnuter
Time control (Standard)90 Min 40 Züge, 30 Min für den Rest der Partie, 30 Sekunden pro Zug ab dem ersten
Number of rounds10
Tournament typeRound robin for teams
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/09/21 to 2025/03/29
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 07.10.2024 08:47:28, Creator/Last Upload: SCHACHKLUB ST VEIT/GLAN

Tournament selectionKärntner Liga, Unterliga, BZL WEST, 1. Klasse, BZL OST, 2. Klasse Ost, 2. Klasse WEST
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsRanking crosstable (MP), Ranking crosstable (Pts.), Rank table, Starting rank list of players, Alphabetical list, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule, Statistics
Team-Composition with round-results, Team-Composition without round-results, Team-Pairings of all rounds
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Online-Ergebnis-Eingabe
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, AUT rating-calculation, QR-Codes

Rank table

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
13Esv Askoe Admira Villach 42200470
24Sk Dolomitenbank Lienz 3210124,50
36Sgs Spittal 32101240
42Moebel Zimmermann Hermagor 3210123,50
5Sv Nussdorf-Debant 2210123,50
61Sgs Spittal 4200201,50

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints