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23st World Senior Chess Championship

Last update 24.11.2013 19:42:00, Creator/Last Upload: Croatian Chess Federation

Player overview for FRA

1GMVaisser Anatoly2523FRA111½½111½½½8,512568107,5023rd World senior chess c
23IMGiffard Nicolas2348FRA½101½1½0½½16,547221310-18,1023rd World senior chess c
158Ladisic Alex-Sacha1948FRA½½1½1½00½015,59922201552,6523rd World senior chess c
201Maric Constantin0FRA000001110½03,5188172700,0023rd World senior chess c

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMVaisser Anatoly25238 ½ - ½ FMHerzog Adolf2379
IMGiffard Nicolas2348 1 - 06 Dogantug Ahmet Ismail2117
Ladisic Alex-Sacha1948 1 - 0 Stull Norbert2075
Maric Constantin0 0 not paired  

Player details for FRA

GM Vaisser Anatoly 2523 FRA Rp:2568 Pts. 8,5
1101FMZhelesny Stanislav2109RUS5s 10,920,08100,80
252Schmidt Gerhard2232GER6,5w 10,850,15101,50
345FMSorensen Bent2247DEN7s 10,830,17101,70
48GMSuba Mihai2413ROU8w ½0,65-0,1510-1,50
512IMMochalov Evgeny V2404BLR7,5s ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
618IMMishuchkov Nikolai M.2367RUS7w 10,710,29102,90
74GMKupreichik Viktor D2454BLR6,5s 10,600,40104,00
82GMHulak Krunoslav2473CRO8w 10,570,43104,30
910GMKristiansen Jens2407DEN8,5w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
105GMBalashov Yuri S2440RUS8s ½0,61-0,1110-1,10
1115FMHerzog Adolf2379AUT8w ½0,69-0,1910-1,90
IM Giffard Nicolas 2348 FRA Rp:2213 Pts. 6,5
1123Bondar Leonid2049USA5,5s ½0,85-0,3510-3,50
2111Toefferl Heimo2089AUT5,5w 10,820,18101,80
372Agzamov Valery2183UZB5,5s 00,72-0,7210-7,20
4109Gamboa Anibal2096VEN5w 10,810,19101,90
570FMVogel Jaap2191NED6s ½0,71-0,2110-2,10
666FMHaubt Georg2206GER6w 10,690,31103,10
784FMSerra Olives Tomas2169ESP7s ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
880FMTitz Heimo2174AUT5,5w 00,73-0,7310-7,30
977Kostanjsek Zorko2177CRO5,5w ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
1079Neumann Joachim2175GER6s ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
1199Dogantug Ahmet Ismail2117TUR6w 10,790,21102,10
Ladisic Alex-Sacha 1948 FRA Rp:2220 Pts. 5,5
157Acers Jude2230USA6w ½0,160,34155,10
237Kolbak Jens2271DEN6s ½0,130,37155,55
369FMMalmdin Nils-Ake2191SWE6w 10,200,801512,00
453Giesen Dieter2235GER6s ½0,160,34155,10
555FMPostler Reinhard2232GER6w 10,160,841512,60
635FMThormann Wolfgang2271GER7,5s ½0,130,37155,55
733IMPiasetski Leon2288CAN7w 00,12-0,1215-1,80
817GMPushkov Nikolai2371RUS6,5s 00,08-0,0815-1,20
993Kaminik Aleksandar2138ISR5w ½0,250,25153,75
1097CMAshby Anthony C2121ENG6s 00,27-0,2715-4,05
11114Stull Norbert2075LUX4,5w 10,330,671510,05
Maric Constantin 0 FRA Rp:1727 Pts. 3,5
1100Kiselev Alexander2113UKR6s 0
2144Cao Jorge1990URU4,5w 0
3164Masich Vladimir1931RUS4- 0K
4185Birkestrand Odd1819NOR3,5s 0
5190Kummer Heinz1788AUT3,5w 0
6192Nielsen Peter1769DEN4w 1
7193Keze Arnis1734RUS3,5s 1
8198Caribe Santos Luiz Carlos0BRA2,5w 1
9156Tavcar Rado1956SLO5s 0
10168Bianco Diaz Rogelio Jose1891VEN4,5w ½
11-not paired- --- 0