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23st World Senior Chess Championship

Last update 24.11.2013 19:42:00, Creator/Last Upload: Croatian Chess Federation

Player overview for BLR

4GMKupreichik Viktor D2454BLR1111½½01½006,5372447100,4023rd World senior chess c
12IMMochalov Evgeny V2404BLR1111½½0½1½½7,5824681010,8023rd World senior chess c
170Sevenyuk Alexey1886BLR001½0½½00103,5181188715-1,2023rd World senior chess c

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMMochalov Evgeny V24047 ½ - ½ GMBalashov Yuri S2440
GMKupreichik Viktor D2454 - - + FMThormann Wolfgang2271
Cao Jorge1990 1 - 0 Sevenyuk Alexey1886

Player details for BLR

GM Kupreichik Viktor D 2454 BLR Rp:2447 Pts. 6,5
1104Gromark Per-Olof2102SWE5w 10,890,11101,10
255FMPostler Reinhard2232GER6s 10,780,22102,20
347IMMedancic Rikard2244CRO7w 10,770,23102,30
424IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.2347BRA7,5s 10,650,35103,50
56IMRogulj Branko2420CRO7,5w ½0,55-0,0510-0,50
612IMMochalov Evgeny V2404BLR7,5s ½0,57-0,0710-0,70
71GMVaisser Anatoly2523FRA8,5w 00,40-0,4010-4,00
819IMShvedchikov Anatoli I.2363RUS7s 10,620,38103,80
921IMBerkovich Mark A2357ISR7,5w ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
1015FMHerzog Adolf2379AUT8s 00,60-0,6010-6,00
1135FMThormann Wolfgang2271GER7,5- 0K
IM Mochalov Evgeny V 2404 BLR Rp:2468 Pts. 7,5
1112Finnlaugsson Gunnar2082ISL5,5w 10,870,13101,30
269FMMalmdin Nils-Ake2191SWE6s 10,770,23102,30
387Balmazi Leon2159USA6w 10,800,20102,00
43GMVasiukov Evgeni2457RUS7s 10,430,57105,70
51GMVaisser Anatoly2523FRA8,5w ½0,340,16101,60
64GMKupreichik Viktor D2454BLR6,5w ½0,430,07100,70
72GMHulak Krunoslav2473CRO8s 00,40-0,4010-4,00
832IMFilipenko Alexander V2288RUS7w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
940FMTurikov Viktor2256RUS6,5s 10,700,30103,00
1021IMBerkovich Mark A2357ISR7,5s ½0,57-0,0710-0,70
115GMBalashov Yuri S2440RUS8w ½0,450,05100,50
Sevenyuk Alexey 1886 BLR Rp:1887 Pts. 3,5
169FMMalmdin Nils-Ake2191SWE6w 00,14-0,1415-2,10
2112Finnlaugsson Gunnar2082ISL5,5s 00,25-0,2515-3,75
3118Taksrud Vidar2063NOR7w 10,270,731510,95
4130Spika Ivica2018CRO5,5s ½0,320,18152,70
5124Pfitzer Norbert Prof. Dr.2047GER2,5w 00,29-0,2915-4,35
6132Schwertel Johann2016GER2,5s ½0,320,18152,70
7126Benson Lachlan2039AUS4w ½0,300,20153,00
8128Catania Duane2029USA5s 00,31-0,3115-4,65
9153Gonzalez Pabollet Jesus Maria1970ESP3,5w 00,38-0,3815-5,70
10191Zilbershtein Victor1780ISR3,5s 10,640,36155,40
11144Cao Jorge1990URU4,5s 00,36-0,3615-5,40