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1st Seongbuk Park's Cup

Posledná aktualizácia 15.08.2024 09:07:27, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1JUNG, Inje34117226KOR1787
2EOM, Huisang13207580KOR1731
3KIM, Bokeon13204572KOR1701
4PARK, Siwoo13219049KOR1573
5SEO, Yerin13226258KOR1539w
6KANG, Heelin13213288KOR1505
7CHO, Yeseong13221396KOR0
8HAM, Hyungju13228439KOR0
9JUNG, Yuchan A13228390KOR0
10KIM, Jaehyeon13222066KOR0
11KIM, Taei A13227432KOR0
12Lee, Yejun A13228447KOR0
13LEE, Yunseo382105420FID0w
14NAM, Yoonwoo13228420KOR0