European Women Individual Blitz Chess Championship

FyriskipararFédération Monégasque des Echecs et ECU
LandMonaco ( MNC )
KappingarleiðariRapaire, Jean-Michel
Deputy ArbiterTBA
Bedenkzeit (Blitz)3 minutes + 2 seconds per move starting from move 1
StaðOne Monte-Carlo, Salle des Arts , 1 place du Casino 98000 Monaco
Number of rounds13
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationAltjóða rating
Forritið, sum leggur umførSwiss-Manager frá Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager kappingarfíla

Seinast dagført10.08.2024 18:30:27, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

SlóðirRegulations, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Parameter-val ongar kappingar-upplýsingar, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
ListarByrjanarlisti, Telvarar í bókstavarað, Landa-, Talv- og Tittul-hagtøl, Spæliskipan
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