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Uniben Weekly Rapid Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.08.2024 19:43:52, Creator/Last Upload: computerfineman

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1Chima, Mount Zion8512981NGR1991
2Iyoha, Emmauel8515069NGR1990
3Micheal, Briidget8511640NGR1935
4Ajieh, Ebenezer8518785NGR1910
5Ikezahu, Emmauel108110674NGR1861
6Atu, Maxwell8517932NGR1817
7Osayande, Kingsley8517614NGR1735
8Igwe, DavidNGR0
9Iyalekhue, Bright8510610NGR0
10Osikhuemhe, WilsonNGR0
11Osunhon, VictorNGR0
12Igwe, miracleNGR0