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♘♘♘ Saturday Evening Blitz at Red Knight Chess Cafe ♘♘♘

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.08.2024 16:39:23, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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1Portugalera, Ric5204003PHI2109
2Yulo, Adrian Othniel5222141PHI2035
3AGMSacar, Mohamad5222834PHI2021
4Cuizon, Loreshyl5200580PHI1970
5Hong, Ian13209795KOR1932
6Aba-A, Reynaldo5257778PHI1913
7Culasing, Michael5211174PHI1911
8AIMAlriyami, Faris Rashid6208169THA1837
9Robillos, Airene5222222PHI1808
10Liukasemsarn, Chin6217680THA1513
11Chen, Stephanie150095847USA1421
12Cheng, IvanTHA0
13Kijkamjai, Pordee6220223THA0
14Oo, Kaung MyatTHA0
15Pinyopasakul, WinTHA0
16Trefilov, IgorRUS0
17Vorapitayahirun, MinkTHA0