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2 Torneio de Xadrez Escolar AVANCE - Linhares

Last update 10.08.2024 16:41:51, Creator/Last Upload: IA Pablyto Robert

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Starting rank

1Xavier, Levy Asaph dos AnjosBRA1698AVANCE IDC
2Santiago, Telmo MarinatoBRA1688Porta do Sol
3Junior, Paulo Misael da SIlvaBRA1668Porta do Sol
4Xavier, Hiago Aleph dos AnjosBRA1659AVANCE IDC
5Medina, Jonas Tomáz SantosBRA1656AVANCE IDC
6da Silva, André RodriguesBRA1637AVANCE IDC
7Castelan, Asaf BalbinoBRA1635Porta do Sol
8Alves, Henry Gabriel de CerqueiraBRA1588AVANCE IDC
9Carcabini, Sofia de AlmeidaBRA1584AVANCE IDC
10Rolim, Samuel Alvarenga SantiagoBRA1571AVANCE IDC
11Pêgo, Arthur RosaBRA1551AVANCE IDC
12Silveira, Tito DassieBRA1549AVANCE IDC
13Gardiman, Davi ReisBRA1542AVANCE IDC
14Medina, Isaac Tomáz SantosBRA1519AVANCE IDC
15Moraes, Estevão MenezesBRA0Linhares
16Ramos, Marcus Vinicius VieiraBRA0AVANCE IDC