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Torneo de Tercera Categoría Puriscal 2024

Last update 19.08.2024 08:00:37, Creator/Last Upload: Oscar Angulo

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Starting rank

1Miranda Flores, Samy Manuel6535852CRC1783Codea
2CMArostegui Gonzalez, Ricardo6502032CRC1760San Jose
3Rojas Guzman, Freddy6553478CRC1730
4Fallas Martinez, Jonathan6503500CRC1678
5Campos Gonzalez, Gabriel6557856CRC1654CAR Puriscal
6Arias Fonseca, Martin6504337CRC1644
7Miranda Barrientos, Gabriel6561047CRC1643Belen
8Rojas Guillen, Paulo Cesar6509517CRC1642Desamparados
9Solis Alvarado, Abigail6550142CRC1629Belen
10Rojas Ordonez, Christian Gabriel6560377CRC1605Heredia
11Peraza Artavia, Pablo Josue6559395CRC1600Cartago
12Gonzalez Alfaro, John Alberto6561683CRC1600Desamparados