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Battle of Minds 2024 Poloonaruwa District Qualifires - Under 14 Girls (2010/2011)

Senast uppdaterad11.08.2024 17:10:22, Creator/Last Upload: Ruwantha

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1Alexander, A P A N299764050Pl/Ananda Balika National School
2Dasanayaka, D M H M0Pl/Ananda Balika National Scho
3Dilthara, L B D299959140Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
4Gunarathne, N V N D299959570Pl/Ananda Balika National School
5Herath, K G I U D0Pl/Ananda Balika National School
6Jayamaha, J H I K0Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
7Peiris, W A T T I808375900Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
8Senevirathne, K G T N0Pl/Sewamuktha Kandawura Maha Vidyal
9Vithange, M V M V0Pl/Ananda Balika National School