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Battle of Minds 2024 Poloonaruwa District Qualifires - Under 14 Open (2010/2011)

Last update 11.08.2024 17:10:31, Creator/Last Upload: Ruwantha

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Starting rank

1Bandara, K A S R808204760Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
2Gamage, A D299523100Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
3Gaudar, Loshitha G808144090Pl/Rajarata Maha Vidyalaya
4Hirunmeth, H D R C808400940Silent Move Chess Academy
5Indrajith, K P G R0Pl/Girithalegama Maha Vidyalay
6Jayaneththi, J D D0Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
7Mapa, M M R H0Pl/Palugasdamana Maha Vidyalaya
8Peiris, A A I0Royal Central College - Polonnaruwa
9Ranathunga, W G I J808208670Silent Move Chess Academy
10Rathnasinghe, H A D S0Pl/Girithalegama Maha Vidyalay
11Sandesh, W R H N0Pl/Girithalegama Maha Vidyalay
12Sithumina, M M Ashen0Pl/Palugasdamana Maha Vidyalaya
13Subashana, H M S Geethan0Royal Central College - Polonn
14Wickramasinghe, N P P G M0Pl/Dim/Arl/Vilayaya National School