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Swieqi Junior Rapids U18 - August 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony25.08.2024 10:06:48, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1Kosik, Zente793922HUN1667
2Kosik, Vince783846HUN1652
3Yousif, Karl5604770MLT1646
4Zangrilli, Leonardo5603080MLT1604
5Ahmad Costa, Miguel5604834MLT1502
6Briffa, Zachary5604737MLT1452
7Chircop, Jerome Anthony5605121MLT1448
8Vella, Wayne5604613MLT1413
9Chetcuti Cauchi, Benjamin5605725MLT0
10Dalli Poole, Miles James5605148MLT0