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Swieqi Junior Rapids U12 - August 2012

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.08.2024 13:03:14, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1Stellato, Adrian5604869MLT1556
2Chircop, Jerome Anthony5605121MLT1448
3Bianchi, Max5605113MLT0
4Borg Barthet, Jacques5605717MLT0
5Borg, Nikol5605709MLT0
6Bugej, AlexanderMLT0
7Calleja Falzon, BenjaminMLT0
8Callus, MatthewMLT0
9Dalli Poole, Miles James5605148MLT0
10Demicoli, Jack5605156MLT0
11Farrugia, AmyMLT0
12Muscat, ElliotMLT0
13Shephard, Kate5605628MLT0
14Spiteri, Julian5605369MLT0