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Torneo CEART 9 de agosto

Last update 10.08.2024 03:32:05, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank

1AIMMonter Ruiz, Josue5193702MEX1868Queretaro
2Jimenez, Ramirez Jose AlfredoMEX1868Nuevo Leon
3Miranda, Huerta Leonardo AntonioMEX1714Queretaro
4Bernal Basilio, Luis EnriqueMEX1700
5Hernandez Gonzalez, Ronaldo29616891MEX1684Queretaro
6Orozco, Galeana Joshua AaronMEX1632Queretaro
7Bravo Belaunzaran, Jose Emmanuel5189918MEX1616
8Mata, Martinez Axel DavidMEX1596Queretaro
9Dominguez, Esparza Andrea K5121353MEX1400Durango
10Galeana Caceres, Luis PabloMEX0
11Galeana Caceres, Victor OrlandoMEX0
12Martinez Alvarez, Rafael GibranMEX0
13Miranda Nieto, MauricioMEX0
14Mora Sanchez, Alexander SebastiánMEX0
15Ocampo, JeremyMEX0
16Ramírez García, Erick AlfredoMEX0